(058) 732 85 71
81-451 Gdynia, Al. Zwycięstwa 96/98

Spectrophotometry and spectrophotometric titration

CerkoLab Spectrophotometry  – allows the use of Cerko Lab System devices to conduct spectrophotometric titration.
The setup consists of a spectrophotometer ( e.g. Perkin Elmer, Unicam, Hitachi, Biochrom, K-MAC)* and precise microdosing unit that is controlled by microprocessor with replaceable syringes. Titrant is delivered to the cuvette in the spectrometer chamber and is stirred by a miniature spectrometric stirrer.
Measuring system is located in the controller of the dosing unit, allows the use of the set to conduct classical pH-metric or conductometric measurements (varying on the version).

The devices are intended for scientific research institutes, universities, science and development units, quality control laboratories and sanitary supervision departments.

Both Spectrophotometer and the dosing unit are controlled through PC computer and CerkoLabsoftware.
The set can be used without the connection to the spectrophotometer. In this case its functions are identical as for the Cerko Lab System Potentiometry or Conductometry units.

*cooperation with other models is also possible


Supplementary informational materials:

Spectrophotometry leaflet 
Poster “Applied environment in CerkoLab program”


Cerko Lab Spectrophotometry set

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